All I know is that your choices are only meaningful when you connect them to your purpose, your core self, and your highest values…your WHY!
When the reason is big enough, you’ll be willing to perform any how!
What’s your “why”?
Do you know it? 🖐🏾 Not the surface things i.e. paying for college tuition, travel, and getting out of debt. ==>I’m talking about your deep human cause that you support.
You see, life hit me really hard and I completely lost who I was! So much so, my husband had to come around on my side of the bed and literally stand me on my two feet. Once he got me up, I could lift my head, put one foot in front of the other and put my smile on so I could go lead my organization at work. That was not a good feeling!
It wasn’t until I did the introspective work necessary, that I regained myself again, but in a deeper way. I uncovered my “why” and began to shift to that focus.
So, where are you? What’s yours? Do you need help defining it? If so, I don’t mind helping you! Are you ready?